
How do journalists work? What makes media reliable? How can I react to hate speech?

Together with our partner SPIEGEL Ed and as part of the PEGAP project, we have developed purely digital formats on these timely and relevant questions. They aim to teach young people basic media skills.

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Every day, we are exposed to huge amounts of information. For young people, it is important to think about what they see in the media and on social media platforms, to understand the mechanisms behind it, and to evaluate it critically. Based on the needs and wishes of the learning group (about 25 students aged between 14 and 18), our Media-Crash-Course can focus on either:

  • Fake News and Disinformation
  • Journalism and Media
  • Hate Speech

It is also possible, however, to combine several topics, either in one longer format or spread over several shorter courses.

Educational approach

The course is based on the approach of Peer Education. Therefore, it is our young, qualified Trainers who will facilitate the course in your school (or digitally, see below). With the aim of stimulating an open discussion, the Trainers share their personal experiences thus motivating students to do the same. This leads to a learning process that creates space for topics and perspectives that are important to the students.

Our goals

The goal of this workshop is to teach digital media skills and awareness. We aim to show, which challenges and forms of discrimination can be encountered when engaging with media, and how the media can impact us. The course encourages students to develop a mindful way of dealing with media and discusses how they can use media as a tool for democratic participation.

Digital formats

Please note that the Media-Crash-Course consists of purely digital formats and cannot take place on site. It is delivered via Zoom and thus requires access to a digital device such as smartphone, tablet or laptop in order to participate.

How to book a course

Registration for this course is handled by the Youth Organizations of Understanding Europe. Please refer to the organization in your country to receive further information or to book a course: Armenia, Austria, Belgium, Bosnia and Herzegovina, France, Germany, Ireland, Italy, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Türkiye and Ukraine.