Diversity-oriented organizational development
Strategy paper on our vision, values and aims in the field of DOOD
In order to make the process of diversity-oriented organizational development (DOOD) within Understanding Europe transparent and accountable, we have drafted a strategy paper. It defines the purpose, relevance, aims and targets of this process.
We also lay out our definition and understanding of diversity, and reflect on who we are in a power-critical manner.
Purpose of the paper
Given Understanding Europe’s widespread network of young people, its multiple stakeholders, and a high turnover of volunteers, we recognized the importance of clearly pinning down the relevance, vision, values, aims and goals of the DOOD process, not only for us as a project team but also for all volunteers.
The paper should therefore serve as orientation, guidance, and base for what needs to be done in the field of DOOD within the Understanding Europe Network. It reflects the program’s responsibility to translate its pro-pluralist and anti-discriminatory stance into a coherent and accountable strategy.
After explaining the relevance of the paper, key terms are defined and a broad introduction into Understanding Europe is provided. The paper then talks about our vision of Europe and the project’s values. The last three chapters determine our general and specific aims within the DOOD process as well as our target groups.
Questions or remarks?
Importantly, DOOD is a process rather than an outcome. Consequently, this document is part of this learning process and might therefore be adapted along the way. We are always grateful for your comments or feedback.