
Understanding Europe Greece

Team UE Greece 2022

Understanding Europe Greece wurde im Jahr 2022 gegründet und wird von Mitgliedern des European Youth Parliament Greece geleitet. Im Rahmen von Understanding Europe möchten wir unseren Beitrag zum Engagement junger Menschen verstärken, um Europaskepsis zu zerstreuen und ein Gefühl der europäischen Identität und Zugehörigkeit unter Schüler*innen zu fördern.

Als Teil des Netzwerks wollen wir entscheidend dazu beitragen, soziale und menschenrechtliche Fragen auf einer Peer-to-Peer-Basis anzugehen, indem wir die aktive Beteiligung von Jugendlichen stärken und gleichzeitig die europäischen Werte der Vielfalt, der Toleranz und des interkulturellen Dialogs fördern. Wir hoffen sehr, dass wir durch unser Engagement an griechischen Schulen Jugendliche im ganzen Land erreichen. Gemeinsam mit ihnen wollen uns auf eine neue Art mit europäischen Angelegenheiten auseinandersetzen und unsere Mission des nicht-formalen und innovativen Lernens verbreiten.

Unser Ziel ist es, nach und nach über die beiden größten Städte des Landes hinauszuwachsen und auch entlegene Gebiete wie die zahlreichen griechischen Inseln zu erreichen, wo die Schüler weniger Gelegenheit haben, europäische Multikulturalität und aktive demokratische Teilhabe zu erleben.


Spyridoula-Iris Vasilakopoulou

Watching Understanding Europe Greece thrive and grow from the very beginning, I am very proud to still be part of the Coordinating team and work towards a better future for the project, here in Greece. Having said that, I cannot wait to see how the project will turn out in the (short-term) future and be there to witness the excitement revolving around it from new students and volunteers.

George Vagias

Joining Understanding Europe Greece in its inaugural year, as a Trainer, truly helped me understand the massive potential that this unique educational program has on raising awareness regarding European issues among Greek students. Thus, I am more than excited to be able to further shape UE Greece as a Coordinator, facilitating the promotion of knowledge about Europe and its values, and I cannot wait to see where this journey will take us!

Natalie Kostara

Understanding Europe for me has been the culmination of years of working with the European Youth Parliament, learning about how the EU and its organs work and cooperating with students and young adults. Understanding Europe represents the next step in molding a European identity through each country’s educational institutions and plays an integral role in helping students, coordinators and peer educators alike to understand our current reality and the challenges we face as European citizens. I feel very fortunate to be part of Greece’s Understanding Europe team and I look forward to its future expansion.

Olga-Iliana Nikolaou

Peer Educator
Europe is our home - but how much do we actually know about how it works or how informed are we about what’s happening in Europe right now? That is exactly what understanding of Europe is here for - to help the youth have a better understanding of the world they live in and promote active citizenship through inclusive non-formal educational methods.

Sofia-Kalypso Sdrali

Peer Educator
Being part of Understanding Europe makes me feel hopeful for the future! I’m eagerly excited to work with and discuss both the Trainers and high school students what it means to be an active citizen today and how our understanding of the world is reflected on our actions and how it affects us on an individual and on a collective level. I cannot wait to see how this project evolves in Greece!

CJ Carag

Social Media Officer
Joining the Understanding Europe Network is a personal joy for me, as I proudly carry forward the legacy from last year. I'm eager to share this incredible project with fellow young Europeans, helping them better understand, learn from, improve, and collaborate within Europe in a meaningful way! Check out our Instagram blog so you can see more into what we do as a network!