
Understanding Europe Greece

Team UE Greece 2022

Understanding Europe Greece wurde im Jahr 2022 gegründet und wird von Mitgliedern des European Youth Parliament Greece geleitet. Im Rahmen von Understanding Europe möchten wir unseren Beitrag zum Engagement junger Menschen verstärken, um Europaskepsis zu zerstreuen und ein Gefühl der europäischen Identität und Zugehörigkeit unter Schüler*innen zu fördern.

Als Teil des Netzwerks wollen wir entscheidend dazu beitragen, soziale und menschenrechtliche Fragen auf einer Peer-to-Peer-Basis anzugehen, indem wir die aktive Beteiligung von Jugendlichen stärken und gleichzeitig die europäischen Werte der Vielfalt, der Toleranz und des interkulturellen Dialogs fördern. Wir hoffen sehr, dass wir durch unser Engagement an griechischen Schulen Jugendliche im ganzen Land erreichen. Gemeinsam mit ihnen wollen uns auf eine neue Art mit europäischen Angelegenheiten auseinandersetzen und unsere Mission des nicht-formalen und innovativen Lernens verbreiten.

Unser Ziel ist es, nach und nach über die beiden größten Städte des Landes hinauszuwachsen und auch entlegene Gebiete wie die zahlreichen griechischen Inseln zu erreichen, wo die Schüler weniger Gelegenheit haben, europäische Multikulturalität und aktive demokratische Teilhabe zu erleben.


Panagiotis Tziatzios

Being part of Understanding Europe Greece as a Coordinator feels like both a privilege and a responsibility. From the moment I joined the team, I witnessed firsthand how this initiative creates meaningful connections between young people, empowering them to engage with European issues in a way that feels accessible and inspiring. It's exciting to be in a position where I can help expand the program's reach, ensuring that more students across Greece can benefit from its unique educational approach. I look forward to contributing to the continued growth of this project, helping to shape a generation of more informed and active European citizens.

Antreas Xydas

My understanding of Europe is the result of years spent working with the European Youth Parliament, gaining knowledge about the EU and its institutions, and collaborating with youth. Understanding Europe is a crucial component in assisting students, coordinators, and fellow educators in comprehending our current reality and the difficulties we confront as European citizens. It is the next stage in shaping a European identity through the educational institutions of each nation. Being a member of Greece's Understanding Europe team makes me feel really lucky, and I eagerly anticipate its continued growth.

Evita Pagona

Peer Educator
I’m really excited to be part of Understanding Europe Greece as a Peer Educator! This role gives me the chance to work closely with Trainers who are equally passionate about promoting active citizenship. I look forward to engaging in meaningful discussions with them about how we can empower young people to embrace European values while also understanding the functioning of the European Union. I believe that UE Greece could have a great impact in schools by helping students to understand their rights and responsibilities as European citizens.

Iliana Nikolaou

Peer Educator
Continuing the journey as a Peer Educator for UE GREECE feels like a dream coming true for me. During the 3rd T4T of UE GREECE we shall have the opportunity to share our thoughts and views on the future of the EU, expand our horizons, learn from and with each other and evolve as people. The EU is our home, thus it is good to know our …house rules!

Paschalis Dimplalexis

Social Media Officer
Excited to begin my journey as a Social Media Officer with Understanding Europe Greece, I’m eager to embrace a transformative experience anchored in the timeless ideals of democracy, liberty, solidarity, and diversity. This project goes beyond traditional education—it’s about exchanging ideas, sparking dialogue, and bridging gaps between urban centers and remote communities. By engaging with students across Greece, we aim to empower young minds to think critically, embrace active citizenship, and help shape the Europe they envision. Each digital interaction is a step toward uniting our diverse experiences under these shared values, and I’m looking forward to the lasting impact we will create together!

Martha Barlogianni

Social Media Officer
I’m beyond excited to begin this journey with Understanding Europe Greece as one of the two Social Media Officers. This project provides a wonderful opportunity to bring European knowledge and values closer to students in both central and remote areas of Greece. It’s not just about education—it's about empowering the next generation to understand and shape the Europe they want to live in. I can't wait to see how the project will evolve and make a lasting impact on young minds across Greece!