Fellowship 2021 “Digital Europe“
Digitale Partizipation, Representation, Social Media und Bewegungen
Fellows 2021

Farah Abdi
“I am excited to be a part of this fellowship because I believe in a diversity-oriented approach when it comes to education. This is the only way we will be able to find solutions to the problems facing the world in these challenging times.”

Davit Manukyan
“In Armenia, the youth is facing obstacles in terms of self-realization in civic activism due to the lack of awareness and understanding about the political landscape and policy-making processes. I'm very happy to become a Digital Europe fellow and to have the opportunity to design a workshop that will enable young people to get involved using digital tools.”

Elena Popescu
“Being part of the Fellowship programme "Digital Europe" on democratic citizenship education brings me great happiness. One of my main goals is to design activities that treat students fairly and equally and incorporate them into the lesson plan for my NGO's future projects. So here I am, ready to take on a new challenge.”

Kansu Ekin Tanca
"I am excited to be the Digital Europe Fellow and to work on digital participation as a way to enhance democracy in the digital world. With this fellowship supported by the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and the Schwarzkopf Foundation, I will dig deeper into the rights-based approach to digital literacies for youth, develop diversity-oriented workshops and turn my insights into action."
Sounding Board 2021

Monika Ladmanova
“Pleased to become the member of Sounding Board of the Fellowship Digital Europe and discuss how to protect democracy in the digital age.”

Ruben Brave
“I am delighted to join the Sounding Board of the Fellowship Digital Europe because as many opportunities the European digital public sphere offers as many challenges it entails. Therefore, I want to share my experiences and expertise with the Fellows in order to prepare our youth to tackle these challenges.”

Andreea Belu
“I am very excited to join the Sounding Board of the important "Digital Europe" fellowship. As the European digital public sphere becomes a space of reflection and action, the role of younger generations is crucial in building a future that serves the interest of all people in the digital age. I trust the work of "Digital Europe" fellows will contribute to this goal and I am looking forward to supporting their journey.”

Mariya Atanasova
“I believe in the youth’s capacity and participation. Therefore I am happy to join the Fellowship Digital Europe as a Sounding Board member and to support our fellows and their ideas!”