Educational Briefing 2024
Im diesjährigen Educational Briefing untersuchen wir das Konzept einer europäischen Erinnerungskultur und beleuchten die Rolle der Erinnerung bei der Gestaltung der kollektiven Identität.
For the second time, trainers from the network have gathered together for the Autumn TT4T, this time in Spain. Bilbao was the city chosen to host the event from September 30th to October the 2nd.
In 2022 the concept of the Transnational Trainings for Trainers was born, having its debut in Yerevan, Armenia it now continues in Bilbao, Spain. Both events have gathered around 20 participants from more than 10 countries and have had a focus on the topics and workshops created by the Fellowships of 2021 and 2022. This time, the focus was on enhancing social justice on Europe.
During the Transnational T4T in Bilbao, Basque Country (in the north of Spain) two of our fellows, Samira Brahimi and Sefa Adzua, presented the workshops they developed within the framework of “Thinking of Europe” aiming at enabling young people to become active members of a fair society. Through interactive workshops, participants had the opportunity to learn about methods and approaches of inclusive and diversity-oriented democratic citizenship education, get introduced to different educational modules by our Understanding Europe Fellows and discuss how to deliver these workshops in classrooms in your own local context.
The location of the T4T was the magnificent city of Bilbao, located at the heart of the north of Spain, the Basque Country. A former industrial town in the beginning of the industrialisation in Spain has bloomed into a diverse, colorful and inclusive city. Every year more and more tourists decide to visit Bilbao to enjoy its rich culture, folklore, cuisine, landscapes and its people.
The trainers had the chance to explore the city on the first day of the program through a guided tour that enhanced the social background of the city and how it has developed over the years.
On the second day, the trainers got to work. Samira introduced participants to her workshop “European Muslim Women’s Identity: unveiling new narratives”. The workshop focuses on the impact of diverse narratives on a specific minority in Europe: Muslim women. Though the workshop, participants approach and understand the concept of narratives and will then deconstruct one-sided narratives into more diverse, active, and complex ones.
The day came to and end with a great outing around the city to explore the Guggenheim museum and its surroundings. Once the stomachs started to feel empty, the trainers got to enjoy a great Basque dinner full of delicious food!
For the third and last day, our fellow Sefa, conducted a training on her workshop “Europe’s responsibility to fight for climate justice”. The aim is to introduce different, maybe unknown circumstances, that marginalized groups are confronted with due to climate change and let participants engage in discussions on climate justice and intersectionality.
After a feedback session, it was time to say goodbye.
We are very happy with how things went at the second third transnational training for trainers and want to thank all participants and especially our great hosts.
See you next time, somewhere in Europe!