Workshop “European Muslim women’s identity – Unveiling new narratives”

This workshop focuses on the impact of diverse narratives on a specific minority in Europe: Muslim women. Participants will approach and understand the concept of narratives and will then deconstruct one-sided narratives into more diverse, active, and complex ones.

What is this workshop about?

In our childhood, two of the first competences we learn are reading and writing. Yet, it is only long afterwards that we discover that words carry significant cultural, social, historical references about the writer and the reader.

To be aware of the effect of narratives is fundamental in understanding, exploring, and embracing diversity in our European context. To be aware of what stands behind specific narratives is fundamental in improving our society for the better.

Samira Brahimi


Key facts

Duration: 105 minutes without a break

Format: on site

Target group: students between 14 and 18 years old

About the material

The workshop was developed as part of our Thinking of Europe Fellowship in cooperation with the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft. All  materials are accessible as an Open Educational Resource.

The author and we as Understanding Europe would like to encourage teachers, young educators and educational multipliers to use it for their work.

Workshop manual: European Muslim women’s identity – Unveiling new narratives
PDF — 5 MB
Powerpoint presentation
PPTX — 16 MB