Fellowship 2023

„Thinking of Europe in Times of Transformation“

In cooperation with the Alfred Herrhausen Society, the Schwarzkopf Foundation Young Europe 2023 awards four fellowships to members of the Understanding Europe Network. This year’s program aims to revise the existing range of courses and better integrate them into the network’s educational work.

Content and goals

The four fellows will each work on one of the following course topics: Europe, Participation, Social Justice and Climate Justice. Based on a needs analysis they carry out within the network, they will update the courses with new and original perspectives and examples. For the fellows, the program offers a special opportunity to professionalize themselves in the field of diversity-oriented non-formal education and format development and to contribute to the success of our range of courses for schools.

Financial support

The fellows receive financial support of 450 euros per month for a period of six months and are pedagogically supervised by the Understanding Europe team and experts.


The Fellowship consists of the following project phases: After carrying out a needs analysis together with the network, the Fellows will update one of the four courses of Understanding Europe. They then test the revised courses in schools. In a final step, they will present the new courses at this year’s European Summer School (24-27 August in Berlin).

Duties as Fellow

In addition to revising the courses, the Fellows have the following tasks:

  • Monthly production of short videos or posts for social media
  • Participation in the three major events: kick-off seminar in Berlin, digital interim meeting and European Summer School 2023


The next application round will take place in January 2024. If you have any questions or would like more information about the program, our project manager Ane Cenecorta will be happy to help.

Fellows 2023

Daniela Cappuccio

"Being part of this fellowship represents an opportunity for me to optimize the huge already existing potential of Understanding Europe and make the project even more of an engaging, fun, diverse and formative educational experience. Understanding Europe, in addressing the topic of Europe, offers an important tool to face today and tomorrow's challenges as young, aware and active citizens."

David Yildirim

“As an indigenous person and journalist, one of my main concerns is to highlight the complexity of social injustice in Europe. It is essential for the further development of Europe to convey these mechanisms of oppression and lived realities of marginalized people to younger Europeans in an appropriate setting so that life in Europe can be perceived in its entirety.”

Julia Kikel

“In an era of climate change, I believe raising awareness of climate (in)justice is a vital step in taking shared responsibility to look after our planet and to adopt more sustainable lifestyles. I am therefore looking forward to helping establish the existing courses addressing climate justice more firmly in our course repertoire.”

Mariana Baptista

“I am thrilled to have been selected for this fellowship program as I will be able to contribute to the future of the network, by revising the participation workshop, while investing in my personal and professional growth.”