Fellowship 2022 “Thinking of Europe“
Soziale Gerechtigkeit, Klimakrise und Digitalisierung
Fellows 2022

Sefa Adzua
“As a woman of color I believe that the topic of social injustice needs to be talked about more. We live in a society, where everyone is responsible for everyone.”

Lisa Glybchenko
“As an artist and peacebuilder, I am very excited to create new artistic digital educational experiences about visual peace technology for young people across Europe and beyond.”

Thanh Nguyen Van
“The mix of networking and media trainings will allow me to design an interesting workshop. I am very curious to which degree I am able to transfer new impulses on the top challenges of our century to young adults.”

Samira Brahimi
“I’m thrilled to be an Understanding Europe Fellow and to create an educational format focused on inclusivity and racism because this approach was missing in my educational experience.”

Leonor Amaral
“This fellowship will allow me to combine my educational experience and my identity to create a space for young people on the topic of disability – a space, which is very needed in the lives of young Europeans.”