Educational Briefing 2024
In this year’s Educational Briefing we explore the concept of a European culture of remembering, highlighting the role of memory in shaping collective identity.
Our Fellows developed six new workshops strenghtening young people's digital participation and their media competences. They are designed for peer-to-peer education and follow a low-threshold, inclusive and diversity-oriented approach.
© El Boum
The workshops will become part of Understanding Europe‘s educational work but are equally aimed at external young trainers, teachers and multipliers throughout Europe. All workshops and materials are available freely in German and English. Discover them here:
This workshop aims to raise awareness of our rights and responsibilities online by prioritising digital participation, valuing active and responsible digital citizens, and highlighting that children and young people should fully enjoy their rights online.
This workshop by Elena Popescu aims to teach young people how to create a social media campaign on topics related to Europe. It is meant to help the participants experience their first European Moment in the digital world.
This workshop by Farah Abdi tackles the problem of mis- and underrepresentation of marginalised groups by encouraging young people to use social networks as platforms to organize and to advocate for diversity and inclusion.
This workshop by Davit Manukyan seeks to empower young people to exercise active citizenship on digital platforms they are used to. It draws from the assumptions that many young people have the willingness to be more politically active, however, lack capacity to seize the opportunities provided by digital spaces.
In their workshop, Gabriela Mayungu and Firas Hallak address discriminatory language and images in media coverage. The goal of their workshop is to develop a critical view of dominant narratives in the media and to strengthen digital media skills of young people.
The workshop by Naz Al-Windi and Fanus Ghorjani introduces young people to the topic of algorithms. It aims to draw attention to the fact that algorithms fundamentally change and structure the democratic public sphere and have great influence on opinion-forming and decision-making processes.
The workshops have been developed as part of our fellowship programmes “Digital Europe” and “Media & Democracy” which are implemented in cooperation with the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and SPIEGEL Ed respectively.