Apply now: Fellowship 2025
Our 2025 fellowship supports young Europeans in the development of new workshops on topics related to Transnational Solidarity and Resilience amidst multiple crises, Fundamental Rights, and Security.
The European Youth Parliament (EYP) and Understanding Europe are calling for two new EYP National Committees to join the Understanding Europe Network for at least two years. Apply until August 8!
After becoming part of Understanding Europe, the National Committees (NCs) participate in our network, organise activities and facilitate democratic citizenship education by and for young people in their country.
The work is driven by a Coordinator, who implements and runs the project, managing a team of Trainers (of up to 10 people) and liaise with teachers, schools and other partners, adapting the project to local needs, circumstances and topics. The pedagogical work is implemented by Peer Educators. They train local volunteers who want to become Trainers and thereby ensure that newly committed people become part of the project. The Trainers then run our courses in schools and beyond.
Understanding Europe aligns closely with the mission of the EYP by enabling an inclusive and diversity-oriented platform for citizenship education, participation and peer-to-peer learning. You can find more on that here and here.
Through our courses, NCs can bring the EYP to new students and schools who may be interested in taking part, potentially becoming a successful outreach tool. Understanding Europe NCs can also offer new opportunities for facilitation and peer education to their members. In short: there are endless opportunities for cooperation!
This is why our project is run by EYPers already in 9 countries, connecting the educational work in schools closely to EYP activities and strategy.