16. April 2021

“Bad News – from fake news to chaos”

On April 29, 2021, we invite students to join a digital workshop. Interactive elements on algorithms and media ethics, the "Under Pressure!" game and a discussion are on the agenda. Register now!

As part of the project “Peer Education and Gamification against Polarization” (PEGAP), the Schwarzkopf Foundation and its project partners Diversion and DROG have developed the “Under Pressure!” course format. It is designed to help students recognize misinformation, fake news and conspiracy theories and to react constructively and critically to news.

In cooperation with the Federal Agency for Civic Education (BpB), the upcoming digital workshop introduces young people (16 – 27 years) to the new format. In addition to interactive elements on algorithms and media ethics, participants will get to know the heart of the new course format: the “Under Pressure!”-game, a multiplayer that illustrates different techniques for spreading fake news.

The digital workshop will be conducted by young Peer Trainers from the Understanding Europe network. Armin Himmelrath (Head of Education, DER SPIEGEL) and Uschi Jonas (CORRECTIV.Faktencheck) will join the discussion forum.

Registration via: info@understanding-europe.org

In short

  • Date: 29.04.2021
  • Time: 10:00 – 12:00 (workshop), 13:00 – 14:00 (impulse and discussion forum)
  • Target group: Young people between 16 and 27 years of age
  • Type of event: Online (zoom)
  • Max. number of participants: 30