26. September 2022

Review: The 2022 European Summer School

This year's Summer School took place from 1.09 to 04.09 in Oer-Erkenschwick, Germany. Focus topics were "Othering" and climate justice. In addition, new workshops and the Understanding Europe Toolbox were presented.

© Stefanie Loos

This year, 19 peer educators and five fellows met at the Salvador Allende House to network and discuss democratic citiztenship education and other current issues. The programme had three key topics:

  1. Peer-to-peer education: as every year, the participants were introduced to the role of the Peer Educator. In order to assume this new role in the project, the experienced trainers learned what it means to train other trainers and to introduce them to educational approaches of the project.
  2. Othering and climate justice: Katsiaryna Lozka, PhD student at Ghent University, facilitated a workshop on how Central and Eastern Europe are constructed as ‚other‘ from a Western European perspective and what concrete consequences this has. In the afternoon, author, politician and climate activist Magid Magid gave a lecture on climate justice and the fight against racial discrimination.
  3. New course topics and the digital toolbox: after the presentation of the workshops of this year’s Thinking of Europe Fellows, the new Understanding Europe Toolbox was introduced to the participants. With this online tool, trainers can tailor their courses to the needs and interests of their students.

A detailed report can be found here: