1. September 2023

Review: The 2023 European Summer School

The European Summer School took place in August 24-27, 2023, in Wannsee, Berlin. The Fellows from this year’s "Thinking of Europe in Times of Transformation" fellowship attended in order to present the new courses they have been working on.

© Stefanie Loos

This year, 23 peer educators and this year’s fellows met at the DJH Youth Hostel at Wannsee, in Berlin. Participants had the opportunity to network and discuss democratic citizenship education and other current issues. The programme had three key topics:

  1. Diversity oriented approach: the Keynote speech by Sinthujan Varatharajah. He introduced us with their thoughts on photography and political geography. Asking Sinthujan, they observe the transformation of Europe in the increasing gentrification of the cities like Berlin. Furthemore, the Photovoice Workshop with London-based photographer Mariochukwu Washington-Ihieme took place during the summer school, which generated content for the 2023 publication „Thinking of Europe in times of Transformation“, as well as the connected exhibition.
  2. New course topics & Toolbox structure: this year each of the four Fellows have worked on one of the following course topics: Europe, Participation, Social Justice and Climate Justice.
  3. Planning a Training for Trainers (T4T) and the new Buddy System: Peers were paired up and had time to have the opportunity to have the initial introduction to each other. The foundations have been laid to continue collaborating in the coming months and to evaluate the results of this buddy system.

A detailed report can be found here: