10. April 2024

Photovoice Exhibition: new locations for April and May 2024

The Photovoice exhibition is on display again. In April and May 2024 the exhibition can be visited in a public library and in Rathaus Neukölln in Berlin, Germany.

Photovocie Exhibition at Helene-Nathan Library in Berlin-Neukölln

Exhibition in two places in Berlin-Neukölln

In February 2024 the Photovoice exhibition showing the contributions of Peer Educators from the Understanding Europe network was on display at Rotes Rathaus Berlin.

The pictures of the Photovoices on display were taken in Hermanstraße- Kiez in Berlin Neukölln. Therefore we are excited to share the Photovoices with people living in the Kiez and the neighbourhoods. We are happy to announce that the exhibition has travelled now to Berlin-Neukölln to two different places.

The exhibition is on display at Helene-Nathan Bibliothek (public library) from 8th April until 29th April 2024 and can be seen during the opening hours of the library. You can visit the exhibition Monday, Wednesday, Friday; 11am to 6pm and Tuesday, Thursday: 11am to 8pm and even on Saturday from 10am to 1 pm. The library can be accessed through the elevator to Parkdeck 4 in Neukölln Arcaden.

In May the Photovoices will be presented at Rathaus Neukölln (Bezirksamt) from 20th May to 3rd June 2024 and can be accessed during the opening hours of the venue.

What do you think ?

Share your impressions of the exhibition with us, via commenting our post or by sending us a PM on Instagram. You can also reach out to us via e-mail to info@understanding-europe.org.

Where do you encounter Social Injustice in your life in Europe? What would need to change?

Where should the exhibition travel to next?

We would love to make this exhibition more visible to people around Europe. In case you are interested to learn more about the exhibition and the conditions and logistics, please contact us via e-mail r.pfennig@schwarzkopf-stfitung.de.