Educational Briefing 2024
In this year’s Educational Briefing we explore the concept of a European culture of remembering, highlighting the role of memory in shaping collective identity.
Since March 2021, a new digital course is available in the Understanding Europe network: The Media-Crash-Course deals with journalism, Fake News, Disinformation and Hate Speech.
Members of network get to know the new course material during a digital training in March. More on @understanding_europe!
Our new Media-Crash-Course consists of different course modules that work coherently when combined but also independently from each other. They can be flexibly put together according to the wishes of each learning group. The modules are aimed at encouraging different aspects of participants’ media literacy.
The course material was created within various Understanding Europe programs and projects: A large part was developed by our Media & Democracy Fellows 2020. The online game “Bad News” emerged from a cooperation with the PEGAP consortium.
Currently, the Educators and Trainers of our network are getting familiar with the new course and translate the modules into different languages so that they can be used in as many of our project countries as possible.
More information about the course is available here: