Educational Briefing 2024
In this year’s Educational Briefing we explore the concept of a European culture of remembering, highlighting the role of memory in shaping collective identity.
For the third time, trainers from the network have gathered together for the Spring TT4T, this time in Romania. Bucharest was the city chosen to host the event from the 28th to the 30th of April.
In 2022 the concept of the Transnational Trainings for Trainers was born, having its debut in Yerevan, Armenia and continuing in Bilbao, Spain. Both events gathered around 20 participants from more than 10 countries and had a focus on the topics and workshops created by the Fellowships of 2021 and 2022. This time, the focus was on changing perspectives and looking at Europe through an Eastern-European lens.
After arriving in Bucharest, our Romanian hosts organized a nice team-building evening for the organizing and academic team. This year’s fellows Daniela Cappuccio and David Yildirim were in charge of some of the program activities together with the Peer Educator and also former fellow of 2021, Samira Brahimi.
From Friday on the three-day programme began with getting-to-know each other and team-building activities for the participants followed by a scavenger hunt around Bucharest.
On the second day, our project manager with a focus in Diversity Oriented Processes, Lena, conducted a Diversity Sensitivity workshop on the topic of privileges in the first half of the day. This workshop really helped set the tone for the rest of the weekend since participants were able to understand what their privileges are and where do they stand when it comes to certain topics.
Dimitru Opritoui, expert on Eastern European history from the Europuls organization in Romania, kicked-off the second half of the day with some history input. Afterwards, our fellow on Europe, Daniela, presented her new approach to the info cards that are part of the “Why is the EU” workshop in the EUCC. The testing with the trainers went great and she will implement their suggestions.
Samira closed off the day with a discussion round about Political Representation and how do trainers feel about how represented they feel by their political system and representatives.
For the third and last day, our fellow working on Social Justice, David Yildirim, conducted a workshop on the concept of narratives. He was also able to test part of the material he is working on around the concept of narratives and got enough feedback to keep working.
After a feedback session, it was time to say goodbye.
We are very happy with how things went at the third transnational training for trainers and want to thank all participants and especially our great hosts.
See you next time, somewhere in Europe!