My class log

The EU compact courses are aimed at pupils from the tenth grade in general and vocational schools. We are looking for schools, who would like to offer their students an opportunity to discuss European politics. Schools that do not yet have a strong European profile are particularly encouraging to register. The EU compact courses are conducted by a young trainer team directly at the school. Participation is free of charge.

Application Form

For course type "EU Crash Course" in Greece.

* Fields are mandatory for successful registration.

Has an EU compact course been held at your school earlier? *

EU Compact Student *

An EU compact course is available for max. 25 students * inside. You can max. 50 students * (ie two EU compact courses) for your school. We ask for your understanding that we want to enable as many schools as possible to participate in the project "European Understanding". It is therefore necessary to clarify whether several courses can be held simultaneously.

For the preliminary information of our team of coaches, please provide the following information:

What data could the course (s) take?

Please note that all inquiries should be sent to us at least three weeks in advance.

When can the EU Compact Course (s) be held at your school? *

The "EU Asylum and Refugee Policy" course lasts four hours. The breaks during this time will deviate from the normal class breaks. Please note that the coach teams will arrive by public transport. Therefore, it may be that the respective trainer team would like to adjust the timing if necessary.

Concluding questions